Tuesday 11 August 2015

Plastic Surgery: Can You Change Your Face Without Going Under the Knife?

It happens to all of us.  We look in the mirror everyday dissatisfied with our nose, our lips, or our cheeks.  As the years go by and we stare at ourselves long enough it is common to want to change what we see.  Considering plastic surgery to change the trouble spots we see in the mirror is a complicated and difficult decision.  Often times invasive surgery and the subsequent healing process is painful and could take month for a full recovery.

There is also the financial strain of plastic surgery to consider.  Health care providers in many circumstances are unwilling to pay for part or all of elective surgery, leaving the patient with a costly bill for their new face.  This is why it is important to consider nonsurgical options to changing your face before going under the knife.  Consulting with your doctor or dermatologist about noninvasive procedures is an important step to finding the new you.  Here are a few procedures that may help tackle your problems without winding up on the surgical table.


One of the most popular plastic surgical procedures is rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping.  Those whose self-consciousness is shaken or those who have major difficulty breathing too quickly turn to surgery to create facial balance.  Before considering the more invasive option, it is important to think about nonsurgical rhinoplasy first.  Though it will not change the size of your nose, the procedure, which fills in certain areas of the nose with chemical filler can alter shape and form.  The procedure is far less invasive than surgery and can often times give balance to the nose and help with breathing issues.


For many people, changing your face means looking like their younger selves.  But popular invasive surgeries such as facelifts are only one route to rediscovering the new you.  Before considering surgery it is important to ask your doctor about treatments such as micro dermabrasion, which removes the top layer of skin from the face, smoothing out wrinkles.  Laser treatment is also an option to consider.  This is a quick process that can tighten skin around the face and neck to give you a younger look.

Aesthetic facial issues are a serious subject with serious implications.  No one wants to start their day disappointed with what they see in the mirror.  Whether you are looking to reverse the course of aging or correct trouble spots, it is important to consider your nonsurgical options before undergoing any procedure.

Non-Surgical Alternatives of Breast Reduction or Enlargement

Here are some non-surgical alternatives of breast reduction and enlargement and a look at how safe or un-safe the alternatives are.

For women in need of breast reduction, there are few alternatives that can compare in terms of lasting results. Oversized breasts can cause all manner of problems, including; back strain, back pain, indigestion, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and emotional distress. They can also make clothing awkward and be embarrassing from the attention they receive from both men and women. In dealing with oversize breasts, the alternatives to surgery deal in trying to increase support and manage other side effects caused by them.

If you are heavy chested, bras are not an option.

For those who are overly endowed with bosoms, wearing a bra is not an option. A fully supportive bra is one of the first lines of defense against the back strain and pain caused by being chest heavy. Aside from the typical shops that carry such items, you can find specially designed bras in medical supply shops. If not on hand, many times you can have a custom bra ordered to help with the issues of support and comfort that you may face. A side perk of having a good support bra is that they can often help reshape your breast and help with fitting into some tops.

Dealing with symptoms that arise.

Once a basic line of support is establish in regards to a bra, dealing with the other symptoms non surgically requires diet changes and medication. When breast are heavy they press against the chest and can cause acid reflux like symptoms. Altering your diet to avoid indigestion causing foods is one step, the other is to take medication. Basic antacids sometimes work when the problem is minor or infrequent, however persistent indigestion may require longer term and daily treatments. Speaking with your primary care doctor can help you determine what would work best, which can often be taken care of with a simple over the counter solution.

Other medications that can be taken over the counter to help deal with the ache of a heavy chest are things such as ibuprofen and other NSAIDS. Before taking any new medication, the condition should be discussed with a doctor. There are times that they may have better alternative therapies to help cope with the discomfort that comes with having large breasts. Though, in the end, aside from reducing the breasts through cosmetic surgery, supportive bras and medications are only temporary treatments that do not target the root problem.

Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures That Most Male Celebrities Undergo

When we think about celebrities and cosmetic surgery the first thing that comes to mind is often women of fame.  While all celebrities are judged on their appearance we tend to believe that women are the only ones who undergo cosmetic procedures.  For the most part this is true.  From breast augmentations to lip implants, female celebrities tend to decide on elective procedures more often than their male counterparts.  But this does not mean that male celebs are immune to the powerful persuasion of cosmetic surgery.  Here are a few procedures that many male celebrities undergo.


Female and male celebrities (check out this list of all cosmetic procedures for men) alike want to slow the aging process as long as possible. Fame is a young man’s game and those who play want to stay as you as possible for as long as possible.  This means face-lifts and liposuction around the chin and neck to remove unwanted fat that accumulates over the years.  Face-lifts can often leave the skin taught, and the case of a few celebrities like Kris Jenner and Wayne Newton, too taut.


One of the biggest fears in Hollywood is weight gain. Liposuction and other cosmetic procedures can often remove unwanted fat and is as popular a procedure in the general population as it is in the celebrity world.  Radio personality Howard Stern, actor/wrestle Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Gene Simmons have all admitted to going through cosmetic procedures to remove excess and unwanted body fat.  Though with Dwayne Johnson the reasons were unique.  During his tenure as a wrestle he decided to have fat removed from his chest after lifting enough weights that he believed his upper body was even too large for the wrestling world.


By far the most popular plastic surgery for both men and women is rhinoplasty.  While some celebrities have told stories of deviated septum's and old sports injuries, others have simply wanted a change in the way their nose balanced with their face.  The most extreme examples of male actors undergoing nose jobs are Michael Jackson and Bruce Jenner, both of whom went through multiple procedures.

In the cutthroat world of Hollywood, where appearance is everything, even male celebrities understand the value of plastic surgery.  Much like with their female counterparts, surgery can be seen as a success or, as in the case of actors such as Mickey Rourke, a failure.

Monday 10 August 2015

Non-Surgical Alternatives of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia or breast reduction is a procedure performed on men. As they age, or sometime even when they are young, hormone imbalances can cause the breast tissues to develop. These unsightly mounds for men can be reason for surgery. In women, breast reductive surgery, generally the female version of gynecomastia, is less common, and referred to simply as breast reduction surgery. For men, the development of breast can be an emotionally painful and trying condition to deal with. At times complications, such as infections and even cancer, can arise.

Alternative methods of dealing with unwanted breast tissue in men:

Unfortunately there is not magic pill or easy solution as an alternative to gynecomastia. However, before even opting for surgical treatments, it is vital that the source of the hormone imbalance be corrected. There are instances where all it takes it getting the body back into line and balanced for the problem to correct itself. Hormone therapy coupled with diet and exercise can be the best non surgical treatments for men who have developed breast tissue. The biggest potential downfall to non surgical treatments lays with the hormone therapy. Any medication has potential side effects and those that accompany hormones can include mood destabilization, dizziness, and many other unpleasant effects. Many go away as the treatments become fine tuned, but often patients may struggle in the first few months of it.

When the cause is not hormone related.

In almost all cases, the increased production of breast tissue in men is caused by a hormone imbalance. However, there are times when genetics or certain medications can cause the condition. When medication is the culprit, often the treatment is simply to cease taking it, and the matter will resolve on its own. For those suffering from genetic problems, surgery may not even be a permanent solution, or may need repeat procedures. Weight gain can increase the appearance of breast in men, and its simple remedy is to lose the weight. On rare instances, when men have the appearance of breast due to weight, the skin does not properly fall back into place once the weight is gone. In these rarer instances, surgery may be needed to help regain the proper masculine appearance. Beyond changes to hormone levels, proper diet, and exercise, surgery is often the only real alternative to correct the problem and not just hide it.

Quick look at Non-Surgical Alternatives of Liposuction

Liposuction is typically done for a few different reasons. The biggest is to trim off weight and size, while the next biggest is to fight saggy and dimpled deposits on the rear. Many patients that undergo liposuction do not need the procedure, in fact like all other cosmetic procedures, liposuction is completely elective. The fact that you have to be fully sedated, or put under is a major reason that many people search for alternative methods of dealing with excess fat.

Exercise is the oldest and safest method of dealing with excess.

No matter where the deposits are, there is an exercise and diet that can help target the fat. It is not the quickest method of removal, but it is the most trusted and tested method. If a patient is struggling to loose any amount of weight, they can first talk with their cosmetic surgeon regarding the matter. Referral to a dietician can help the patient examine their lifestyle and eating habits and make changes that will lead to a better life. Once the diet is under control, exercise can be added and modified to help work and fit into their lifestyle. At times, a dietician and doctor may approve or suggest supplements to help further enhance the results of the weight loss. One of the best benefits to using diet and exercise is that loosing the weight slowly allows the skin to regain its proper shape. People who drop weight too quickly often end up requiring operations to help reduce the bagging skin that develops.

For those too impatient to lose it the old fashioned way:

There are alternatives to traditional liposuction that do not require patients to be put under the knife. These methods tend to include the use of things such as: lasers, cold, and ultrasound. Each of them have their own pros and cons, though most are regarded as less than potentially ideal in terms of results. All forms of liposuction, both new and old, deal with destroying cells. You are literally damaging your body intentionally to try and reduce the size and appearance of fatty formations. No two patients are the same and there is no guarantee that the results will be as good as another person’s. Many of the patient images you see are from people who could have gotten the same results of flat and well shaped stomachs from the old fashioned method, in some cases even within the same time frame. Freezing for example takes months for the results to show up, and from injectable solutions, you can have adverse reactions weeks afterward.

Skin Lightening – All you need to know about it

Skin lightening has become an obsession with many people, many of whom have bought into societal pressures that dictate that lighter skin is more beautiful. There are also some who have problems with the coloring of their skin and they turn to skin lightening to even out the tones of their skin in an attempt to create skin tone that is more even. Skin lightening refers to the process of making the skin lighter in color through the use of certain chemicals. Melanin is what determines the color of the skin, and skin lightening products reduce the melanin, thus producing a lighter skin color in those who use it.

skin lightining

Advantages of Skin Lightening

The process of skin lightening can have psychological advantages which come about by helping you feel better about yourself. If your skin tone is causing you to feel uncomfortable and awkward in social situations lightening your skin can serve to help you feel better about yourself. Sometimes that psychological advantage can give you the lift you need to live your live more fully.

Another advantage of skin lightening goes hand in hand with the psychological advantages. Lightening your skin can give you that peace of mind that you look your very best, thus helping you to move through your day in a better frame of mind. It is amazing what effect this can have on how a person feels.

The process of lightening your skin can also act as an anti-aging agent by helping to rid the skin of those darkened age spots that many people get as they grow older. As the chemical agents work on the skin, those embarrassing age spots begin to lighten and diminish, again, tying into the psychological advantages, giving older men and women that peace of mind that makes them feel younger. It is always advisable to seek a specialist advice regarding skin lightening products as most of the off the shelf products are either too mild or may produce allergies.

Methods of Skin Lightening

One of the easiest methods to help you with your quest to lighten your skin is to stay away from extensive exposure to the sun. Some of the more natural home remedies include treating your skin with a lemon juice solution or applying a yogurt honey mixture to your skin. Be sure that you only use lemon juice a couple of times a week because it is acidic in nature.

Usually a combination protocol works the best. Use of chemical peels, oral or injecta le glutathione injection along with vitamin C in addition to maintenance creams works best for our skin. Some special lasers also could be used to remove pigments.


Some of these procedures may produce adverse reactions and hence it is always preferred to take these treatments under a Certified Cosmetic Surgeon or trained specialist. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating and exercising right and please keep in mind that dark skin can be just as beautiful as lighter skin.

Male Breast Liposuction in Chennai

While more and more people are getting heavier and heavier every single day (with some studies taking the number of obese adults over the age of 20 at right around 33%), millions of people are waking up to the harsh reality of the critical health risks and damage to their appearance that being heavy has. Taking matters into their own hands and leveraging some of the finest weight loss and fitness innovations our modern world has ever seen, they’ve been able to radically overhaul their weight for the better, slimming down in record numbers.

However, this says nothing about the people who have the deck stacked against them and just cannot get their weight down regardless of whatever methods they try. There are some very real health reasons that a person will find zero comfort in the latest and greatest fitness program or dietary system, and no matter how many healthy lifestyle choices they make they still end up being just as heavy as they were before they started. But it doesn’t have to be like that any longer – using liposuction, these folks are able to enjoy the kind of rapid weight loss that has always eluded them. When you decide to leverage liposuction in Chennai, understand that you are about to go from fat to fit faster than anyone else is able to.

Make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting into when you decide to move forward with liposuction

While it is hands down one of the most effective ways to get down to your ideal weight and have the body of your dreams with very little effort on your behalf, liposuction is still a major medical procedure that needs to be treated with real respect. This is not some magic pill solution that will allow you to eat anything you want without moving, all because you know for just $3-$5000 you’ll be able to have all of the fat you’ve built up sucked right out of you. Every single time you go in for liposuction in Chennai you will be opening up your body for all of the risks that are associated with any other major medical procedure, making this one of the most important decisions you have to make.

 Average costs of Liposuction in Chennai

The price of a Liposuction surgery varies greatly mainly based on which body part or combination of body parts it is required for. Hence it makes it hard for a Cosmetic Surgery clinic to give accurate quotes online or on the phone without consultation. The cost of Liposuction broadly depends on the area, size and the method used. Hence it is highly advisable to first get a consultation from you Cosmetic Surgeon.

Work with your cosmetic surgeon and medical professionals to make sure that the weight loss you enjoy with liposuction in Chennai stays off forever

Though you have decided to move forward with this incredible tool, understand that liposuction is a short-term fix to what is almost always a long term problem. If you’ve been having trouble getting the scale to budge in your favor, then there is no better ally on the market and this procedure. But also understand that once you’ve gotten the excess fat and fatty tissue out of your body, it falls on your shoulders to make sure that it stays off forever. Work with your cosmetic surgeon and other medical professionals to design the kind of lifestyle shifts you need to keep this weight off, ensuring that you don’t have to go in for liposuction inChennai on a yearly basis.

Non-Surgical Hair Fall Treatment in Chennai

Are you bothered with the growing amount of hair fall you experience every day? Worried you might lose all you hair? Well turns out, you are not alone. Most individuals like you, both men and women, in urban lifestyles are battling a growing problem of mild to severe hair fall. Hair fall as such is a natural condition and all human beings lose hair (and grow some back) as we age, but based on recent studies, people in urban setups (and metro cities like Chennai, Bangalore etc.) experience a greater amount of hair fall.

It may sound strange, but the truth is that a long list of lifestyle factors is affecting your accelerated hair fall problem. This list includes but is not limited to factors like your diet, sleep cycle, and exercise habits, smoking etc. So when it comes to having a healthy head of hair, your lifestyle does matter. But the problem isn’t as simple as it sounds. You can potentially change a couple of things in your day to day life but these sadly happen to be factors with less impact. Arguably, external factors like pollution, exposure to the sun and the kind of hair products you might be using have a greater impact on hair fall.

Being a Senior Cosmetic Surgeon in a country where hair fall is as common a problem as a simple flu, Dr. Siva Kumar and her team at Desire Aesthetics designed a complete non-surgical hair fall treatment solution at their aesthetic centre in Chennai. We understand that hair fall is not a simple problem and in many cases it can affect your self-esteem. Which is why we offer a host of treatments, so you get the exact hair fall treatment you require based on the degree of hair fall, your lifestyle etc.

The Efficient Hair Fall Prevention System

Following are the three techniques we follow for non-surgical hair fall treatment in Chennai

1. LLLT Low-Level Laser Treatment or Therapy

The Low-Level Laser Treatment is a form of therapy that is utilized by men and women who suffer from a pattern hair fall or loss. The use of the red light laser has proven efficiency in energizing or stimulating the cells within your hair follicle. Based on studies conducted, this type of treatment tends to slow your hair loss and enables regrowth of about 15-20% of your hair.

LLLT works by increasing the metabolism of cells in your hair follicle and the health of your blood vessels causing your scalp to become thicker. It also stimulates your sebaceous glands which enable you to have softer hair. The production of melanin (which is responsible for darkening of your hair) in your hair follicles is also increased by this treatment. The effect of hair follicles absorbing laser energy is an overall increase in blood flow. Besides, laser also removes oil, impurities and DHT. DHT is the primary cause of hair loss.

We administer Low-Level Light Treatment using a device called iGrow Helmet which is FDA Approved. This is a system which is designed to treat both female and male pattern baldness. The laser and LED elements in the iGrow do not produce heat and are, known as “cold” lasers. They do not give off heat or radiation and are completely safe for use. iGrow uses Class 3R lasers which are approved by the FDA. Typically, results of this treatment are visible within a month (1st four weeks).

2. PRP Treatment for Hair fall – Glofinn (Glo PRP)

Non-Surgical Hair Fall Treatment in Chennai

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a preparation with a particularly high concentration of platelets (PLT) in a limited volume of plasma. PRP contains growth factors and bioactive proteins that regulate differentiated cells, modulating cell growth and activity, all of which are vital for tissue regeneration and the fabrication of engineered tissues. In PRP therapy, autologous PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood. In the course of PRP therapy, concentrated PRP is either injected or applied locally to improve tissue conditions and wound healing.

The GLO Hair growth kit enables the safe and comfortable generation of particularly effective, biologically enhanced autologous Platelet Rich Plasma. By means of the unique GLO Hair growth kit PRP can be enhanced with further important components of the patient’s own blood which keep the growth factors longer active and make the PRP therapy with the GLO Hair Growth Kits especially effective.

3. Cyclical Supplement Treatment

Cyclical supplement treatment is one of the best non-surgical hair fall treatment options in a city like Chennai. Almost all the health sufferings of individuals are rooted to the supplemental imbalance in our bodies. When the body does not get all the needed vitamins or supplements, imbalances tend to happen which in turn causes things like hair fall. The hormones in every individual’s body do their job when your body gets the required supplements for these hormones to operate. The fundamental concept of this therapy lies in the fact that if things are balanced (or nearly as balanced) in your system, irregularities (such as hair fall) start to dwindle in numbers.

Get in touch with a certified Cosmetic Surgeon who you must consult to get to the root of the issue which can vary from patient to patient. Imbalance of particular hormones – for instance the thyroid hormone, diseases, pregnancy and even certain medications could result in imbalance and thus hair loss. The said causes influence or have a wide impact in the growth of the hair and its shading phases. The hormones that we have within us are recurring or cyclical. This cyclic nature of our body hormones and our hair is one of the reasons why the problem of hair loss rose in a short span of time.

Cosmetic surgery in Chennai

While all of us are born with our own unique features and appearance, the miracles of modern science have made it possible for us to tailor our faces and bodies in almost any way we want. Thanks to cosmetic surgery and the medical professionals that perform these incredible solutions on a daily basis, millions and millions of people are able to almost instantly get over any hangups or self-confidence issues regarding their appearance they’ve ever had. Though there are some in the world who would you ride those that seek out cosmetic surgery in Chennai or anywhere else on the planet, the fact of the matter is that when you look into the mirror and love what you see you’ll feel 100 times better than you do right now.

First determine if cosmetic surgery in Chennai is for you

The most important thing you can do the for pursuing any cosmetic surgery at all is really determining if these kind of medical procedures are a real undertaking you are interested in completing. Most people think of these cosmetic procedures as nothing more than taking on or taking off a little bit of your nose, reshaping and molding your chin, giving yourself larger breasts, or any number of other procedures. But the fact of the matter is that the medical professional who is working on you and with you is literally re-molding and reshaping the human body – this is no situation to be taken lightly, regardless of how invasive or noninvasive the procedure is. You need to fully grasp exactly what you’re getting into before you even consider moving forward with your cosmetic surgery research.

Then and only then should you determine which cosmetic surgery in Chennai procedures you are interested in

Thanks to the incredible boom in medical and cosmetic knowledge that we now have in our modern times, not to mention the amazing technical innovations and tools these professionals have access to, cosmetic surgeons can do just about anything and everything to improve your appearance almost overnight. This does not mean that you should go for a wholesale upgrade of every piece and part of your body. First of all, the budget necessary to do this work would be astronomical and secondly, most people are only looking to upgrade a single or a handful of features while retaining most of their unique look. Make sure you understand exactly which procedures you want to have performed by the top services for cosmetic surgery in Chennai before you head down to their office for a consultation.

Cost of Cosmetic Surgery in Chennai

Prices of cosmetic surgery vary based on the procedure and individual requirements. For instance, non surgical cosmetic surgery procedures are quick and do not cost as much when compared to surgical procedures. Besides the requirements for any procedure can vary from patient to patient. For instance, in the case of hair transplants, the number of grafts required for a patient will depend upon the amount of hair loss or baldness the individual is suffering from.

Last but not least, you’ll want to make sure that you are working with the best professionals that you can afford when seeking out high level cosmetic surgery in Chennai. Too many people get suckered into the belief that they’ll be able to save some money and cut some corners when they have cosmetic surgery performed, but when you really understand that you are literally reshaping your entire appearance (something people will see every single day), it shouldn’t be that hard finding the funds to get the job done right the first time.

Plastic surgery in Chennai

You would be beyond hard-pressed to find anyone that was absolutely in love with every single one of their features. For whatever reason, most people are dissatisfied with at least one feature on their face or body and would love nothing more than to have a magic wand that could change it to something much more appealing. And while there still hasn’t been a magic wand created for just this express purpose, the best services for plastic surgery in Chennai come as close as you’re going to find in our modern world. That being said, there are a number of different things you need to consider before you decide to move forward with plastic surgery in Chennai or anywhere else on the planet, for that matter, and hopefully this quick and simple greed will give you the kind of insights you need to move forward confidently when changing your face or body.

Make sure you locate a cosmetic medical professional that you are comfortable with

One of the biggest problems that most people end up not loving the look that their cosmetic surgeon has given them is almost always directly related to the relationship that they feel they have with their cosmetic medical professional. This is not to say that you need to fall in love with your cosmetic surgeon, but that you should be able to have an open and trusting relationship and rely on their professional skills and expertise without any doubt. It’s especially helpful to create and establish this bond as soon as possible, doubly so if you’re going to intend on having multiple procedures performed.

Understand all of the costs for plastic surgery in Chennai up front

Another major issue that people just don’t consider when they have had plastic surgery in Chennai performed is that they didn’t fully anticipate all of the costs associated with their specific procedure. While there will undoubtedly be a set in stone price for the cosmetic surgery you’ve elected to have performed, there are also pain medications, clean bandages, time away from work, and any number of other expenses you’ll need to account for before you move forward with your plastic surgery. Really understanding and embracing the total cost, and not just the cost you have been quoted, will give you the peace of mind you need to move forward with your procedure.

In general, putting the price of plastic surgery down to a single cost bracket is difficult because it involves several things that you simple cannot put a price on like your health, well being, self confidence and improved appearance. Besides, a relatively cheaper cosmetic surgeon may have little or no training in the procedure you require. It is for this reason that you should consider the credentials and experience of plastic surgeon over the cost itself.

Make sure your cosmetic surgeon has outlined the specific timeline for your procedure

Finally, you need to work closely with the service for plastic surgery in Chennai that you’ve selected to fully understand the entire timeline for your procedure and healing to complete. While the odds are great that the overall time in surgery will only be a handful of hours, depending on which cosmetic and plastic surgery you’ve elected to go through you may have a healing time of a few days to a few months. Really understanding and embracing exactly what you have to do post-op will be critical to the success of your surgery and the results you’re able to enjoy for a lifetime.